Objective: This study aims to analyze the effect of compliance as a determinant variable of Police member performance in addition to specialist education and development, workload, and work experience.
Theoretical reference: This research requires a basic performance theory that will serve as a grand theory that explains how member education and development, workload, and work experience play a role in controlling member compliance, so as to improve performance. The performance intended in this study is individual performance, namely the performance of members of the National Police in the form of work results based on standards set in the National Police Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2018 concerning Performance Appraisal for Members of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia with a Performance Management System.
Method: This research method uses a quantitative approach through surveys. The population is police members in the South Sumatra Police work unit which amounted to 6,743 with a research sample of 378 consisting of 85 leadership elements, the remaining 293 were police members. Analytical techniques using the structural equation model (SEM) approach.
Results and Conclusions: The results showed that there was an influence between Education and Specialist Development, workload, and experience on the compliance of South Sumatra Regional Police Members. Specialist Education and Development, workload, and compliance affect performance, while work experience has no effect. Education and development of specialists, workload, and work experience affected member compliance by 88.4%, the remaining 11.6% were influenced by other variables not studied in the study.
Search Implications: An understanding of the relationship between workload and compliance can assist policing in planning and managing member workloads more effectively. These efforts can be made to ensure that the workload of police officers can be managed without compromising compliance.
Originality/value: Research that specifically shows the relationship between compliance and performance in the context of South Sumatra Regional Police may provide new insights, especially if this relationship can be interpreted or applied differently from previous research.