Potential and density structures in the vicinity of a RF electrode/antenna in a magnetized plasma are investigated using a RF compensated cylindrical Langmuir probe. These measurements were performed in the ALINE plasma device in which only electrons can be considered as well magnetized. Very precise 2-D maps of the plasma parameters are drawn thanks to a 3-D automatic manipulator on which the probe is mounted. The effect of the tilted magnetic angle between the RF biased surface and the magnetic lines is also studied thanks to a tilting electrode. Comparison of several simplistic models with the experiments proved the reliability of simple Langmuir probe measurements in such a RF and magnetized environment (space potential v.s. tilting angle of the antenna with respect to magnetic field lines, and recovering of the floating potential structure using measured currents). A fluid model based on total current density, and ion diffusion equations over the biased flux tube, provides the same density structures in front of the electrode than the measurements. Those density structures display a "bunny ears" shape, and can be explained using transverse RF and collisional current behaviour: in front of the antenna the transverse ion currents deplete the magnetized flux tube, while at the edge of the biased flux tube, the same currents rise the density. 36 probes can be used to get the plasma's main pa-37 rameters, and probe measurements are technically 38 speaking relatively easy to perform. There is al-39 ready a large documentation on this subject 10-16 40 especially in a steady and non magnetized plasma 41 where a Langmuir probe measurement can provide 42 a robust estimation of the whole bulk plasma den-43 sity, temperature and potentials (floating V fl and 44 plasma φ p ones). 45 But the problem is more challenging when 46 performing these measurements in a magnetized 47 plasma 17-23 and even more when connected to a 48 radio-frequency (RF) antenna/electrode 24-30. In-49 deed, turning on the magnetic field breaks down 50 isotropy and the probe measurement is then only 51 defined locally (measured parameters can drasti-52 cally change when moving across magnetic field 53 lines). It is then needed to perform measurements 54 into several areas of the plasma in order to access 55 to the full structure of plasma parameters. But the 56 most difficult issue is to understand how the current 57 is collected by a cylindrical probe when it is aligned 58 with magnetic field. This topic has been addressed 59 by several authors in the case of strongly magne-60 tized electrons 22,31. But in the case of weakly mag-61 netized ions, such as in small plasma discharges, 62 the ion part in the I(V) characteristics remains the 63 best way to deduce the plasma density, particularly 64 in RF environment because ions are less sensitive 65 to RF oscillations 24. On the electrons part of the 66 characteristics, cylindrical probes exhibits a strong 67 157 trode inclination, and that the ion larmor radius is of 158 the order of 400 µm at 94 mT). ...