:Background:This experimental study compared the hemostatic effects of calcium alginate and Ankaferd Blood Stopper in hepatic parenchymal bleedings.
Material and method:The study comprised 39 male Wistar albino rats (weight 230±30 g). Laceration model was created in the left lateral lobe of the liver. Standard cotton gauze that was impregnated 0.9% NaCl solution and Calcium alginate cover was compared to ABS tampon. The amount of preoperative bleeding, preoperative and postoperative Day 1 hematocrit levels, and the difference between them were assessed and statistically analyzed. Results: Comparing the hematocrit levels between the groups, we found that the amount of bleeding was signifi cantly higher in the control group versus the study groups (p<0.001). Histopathological examination revealed the portal area enlargement and biliary canaliculi proliferation. In the Ca 2+ Alginate group, it was observed that the fi bres were still present in the incision line with massive fi brotic area around. In the Ankaferd group, examination of the preparations revealed patchy focal necrosis areas but no fi brotic area.
Conclusion:With this study, we demonstrated that both calcium alginate and Ankaferd have hemostatic effect in preventing hepatic parenchymal bleeding and that calcium alginate causes fi brosis in the liver, where ABS causes focal necrosis areas (Tab. 2, Fig. 4, Ref. 19). Text in PDF www.elis.sk.