Due to its multi-mode and dispersion characteristics, Lamb waves cause interference to signal processing, which profoundly limits their application in nondestructive testing. To resolve this issue, firstly, based on the traditional EMAT, a horizontal polarization periodic permanent magnet electromagnetic acoustic transducer (HP-PPM-EMAT) was proposed. A 2-D finite element model was then developed to compare magnetic flux density, Lorentz force, and signal strength between the traditional EMAT and the HP-PPM-EMAT. The simulation results show that the HP-PPM-EMAT enhances the A0 mode Lamb wave (A0 wave) and suppresses the S0 mode Lamb wave (S0 wave). Finally, the influence of structural parameters of the HP-PPM-EMAT on the total displacement amplitude ratio of A0 and S0 was investigated using orthogonal test theory, and the width of magnet units was improved based on the orthogonal test. The results show that the total displacement amplitude ratio of A0 to S0 of the improved HP-PPM-EMAT can be improved by a factor of 7.74 compared with that of the traditional Lamb wave EMAT, which can produce higher-purity A0 mode Lamb waves.