ABSTRAm. In order to understand the pressures and volumes delivered during ventilation with the Emerson flow-interrupting high frequency ventilator, we have measured dynamic and mean pressures at the airway opening, trachea, and alveoli as well as delivered volumes in vivo in closed-chest adult rabbits ventilated at rates of 2-37.5 Hz. To measure alveolar pressure we opened the chest, glued an alveolak capsule to the visceral pleural surface, punctured the pleura and lung surface through the capsule, inserted a pressure transducer into the capsule and closed the chest. We measured delivered volume with a pressure plethysmograph. Alveolar pressure swings fell with increasing frequency, as did delivered volume. Alveolar pressure swings were always lower than those at the airway opening or in the trachea. Removal of the rib cage resulted in a decrease in alveolar pressure swings although muscle paralysis had little effect. Mean pressures were equal at the airway opening, trachea, and alveoli at all frequencies. These results suggest that using the high frequency ventilator tested, to minimize alveolar barotrauma one should choose the highest frequency where gas exchange is adequate. (Pediatr Res 19: 162-166,1985) Abbreviations HFV, high frequency-low tidal volume ventilation HFV is currently under investigation as a new technique for treatment of adults and infants with respiratory failure (2,3,6,8,10,15). Its major advantage is the potential for adequate gas exchange with lower dynamic pressures within the airways. While there is evidence that dynamic pressure in the trachea may be lower during HFV than during conventional ventilation (6), data from our laboratory demonstrate that under conditions of low oscillatory flow and pressure amplitudes, alveolar pressure swings may exceed those at the airway opening near the resonant frequency of the respiratory system (1, 7). Although these data provide important physiologic information, they do not have direct clinical relevance since the experiments were camed out using dynamic pressures at the airway opening which were very much lower than those used for HFV. Furthermore, excised lungs were studied, eliminating effects of the chest wall. The objectives of this study were to measure dynamic pressure within the alveoli in vivo in response to pressure oscillations generated