Internationalization of higher education is a well-researched area with a long history. At a time of increasing globalization, particularly in light of recent global health events, the internationalization of medical education may play an important role in medical school teaching-increasing future medical collaboration and building a global medical community. Internationalization of medical education is a less researched discipline and often limited to areas of Global Health. It is typically not part of the standard medical curriculum. While internationalization of medical education has overlapping themes with Global Health education, it has a much wider scope (i.e., preparation of global citizen physicians, international employability, collaboration, cultural and international understanding). Lessons learned from concepts in internationalization of higher education can aid in the realization of internationalization of medical education programs and establish IoME as a distinct area of educational research. This paper suggests elements to consider when implementing programs in internationalization of medical education. Guided by the analysis of an existing program in internationalization of medical education, important components are highlighted from the perspective of concepts found in internationalization of higher education. Several elements that are important features in internationalization of higher education are emphasizedinstitutional partnerships, goal setting, variety of internationalization at home concepts, international classroom features, multi-directional student mobility, and sustainability. The authors aim to shed light on the area of internationalization of medical education, widen its scope from Global Health education, and introduce it as a field of study for educational research. Adapting models and concepts of international higher education can help with establishing this field.