Aim: This descriptive study aimed to examine the methods used by nurses working in pediatric clinics to reduce invasive pain. Method: The study was carried out between April 1, 2016 and December 30, 2016 at two university hospitals and two major state hospitals in Izmir, Turkey. The study sample comprised 217 pediatric nurses. Results: Of the nurses participating in the study, 63.6% did not receive training on pain relief methods and most (88.9%) of them wanted to receive training on the issue. In all painful interventions, the three most frequently used methods to relieve pain were giving information before the intervention, allowing parents to stay with the child during the intervention, and touching the child. Among the pain relieving methods commonly used in other procedures are giving the child toys while a medicated plaster is removed, breastfeeding or using a pacifier during capillary blood collection, heel lance procedure, venous blood collection and arterial blood collection, giving rewards and/or toys after the insertion of peripheral venous catheters, administering local anesthetic during port needle insertion/removal, reduction of environmental stimuli during urinary catheter insertion/removal, and in ostomy care procedures, carrying out breathing exercises during intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (SC), and intradermal (ID) injections. Conclusion: It is recommended to include non-pharmacological pain relieving methods in clinical practices in addition to pharmacological methods.