This study critically examines the intricate relationship between youth development and educational policies within the evolving societal landscape of Punjab, Pakistan. Positioned at a pivotal juncture of societal transformation, the study rigorously examines the institutional frameworks in education that influence civic engagement among the youth, thoroughly inspecting the existing policies in place. The primary objective is to discern the key drivers and obstacles impeding the institutionalization of civic engagement within the Pakistani education system. Special attention is given to the impact of both curricular and extracurricular initiatives on youth development, highlighting their potential to instill civic responsibility.
Purpose: This article engages with theoretical frameworks that underpin skilled civic education, delving into the broader implications of cultivating an informed and responsible citizenry.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Employing a descriptive approach and qualitative methodology, the investigation aims to comprehensively analyze the policy landscape.
Findings: The verdicts of this research make an extensive input to the ongoing discourse on skilled civic education and youth development in Punjab.
Implications/Originality/Value: This article concludes with challenges and actionable commendations tailored for policy makers, educators and stakeholders offering insights to enhance the institutionalization of civic engagement through skilled civic education in the region