At first glance, multi-element forearm mounted vibrotactile displays would appear to have considerable potential as an output device for mobile computing. The devices are small, robust and discrete, and the body site both easily accessible and socially acceptable for such a purpose. However, due to the absence of a thorough account of vibrotactile perception, it is hard to determine their feasibility, or even what might form an appropriate arrangement of vibrating elements or tactors. We describe two studies intended to shed light on these issues. The first extends the localization literature relating to the forearm, and its results indicate that different spatial arrangements of tactors can result in substantially different levels of performance. The second study examines the influence of adjusting the size of the area of the skin experiencing a vibration with its perceived intensity. The results indicate a positive relationship between increased size and increased perceived intensity. Finally, the implications of these studies for the design of vibrotactile arrays are discussed.CR
INTRODUCTIONIt has long been accepted that the skin, the largest organ in the body, has considerable potential as a conduit for information. Correspondingly, there is a substantial history of research investigating how it might be effectively utilized. This effort has led to the development of a wide variety of skin stimulation technologies, ranging from electrical to vibratory to pneumatic. Of these technologies, large scale vibrotactile displays, utilizing motor or transducer based vibrating elements, and considered either individually or in groups, have arguably been the most popular. The reasons for this are straightforward and easy to enumerate: they are simple to construct, small, cheap, robust, reliable, and consume modest amounts of power. Initial investigations with these displays during the 60's and 70's focused on sensory substitution, where the intention was that tactile stimuli could be used to represent otherwise absent visual or auditory cues to impaired users. To highlight one example from this era, rigorous empirical work on topics ranging from character recognition to the display of patterns representing the spatial aspects of visual scenes were conducted using various versions of TVSS [9], a system most typically incarnated as a 20 by 20 back mounted array of vibrating elements (or tactors). Beyond research with this laudable aim, more recent attention has begun to focus on the potential of vibrotactile stimuli in mobile computing scenarios. This is no doubt due to the dramatic rise of this domain during the last decade, in conjunction with a general recognition that non-visual cues have an important role to play in the interfaces to handheld or wearable computing devices [4], and, when compared to other types of haptic or tactile device, the practical suitability of vibrotactile displays to mobile environments.Tan [21] provides one of the earliest discussions of vibrotactile displays for mobile computing....