The present study aimed to evaluate the use of Bifluorid 10 and 810-nm diode laser alone on the exposed dentinal tubules by occluding the tubules, which is one of the treatment measures including gels, adhesives, toothpastes and mouthwashes used to treat dentinal hypersensitivity. The study involved 20 periodontally compromised extracted teeth which were sectioned, and dentin samples were prepared. The samples were divided into two groups by using simple randomization technique by tossing a coin; Group A: was treated with Bifluorid 10 alone and Group B: was treated with Laser alone. The treated dentin samples were gold sputtered and were then examined under Scanning electron microscope at a fixed magnification of X5000 and the photomicrographs of the area were obtained. It was seen that the specimens in Group A showed better dentinal tubule occlusion as compared to Group B. Lesser tubule occlusion was seen in Group B. After the evaluation of samples treated with Bifluorid 10 and Laser, it was concluded that Bifluorid 10 had shown better tubule occlusion than Laser.