“…N em atodes, w hich are estim ated to produce large yield losses, are som e o f the m ost com m on pests af fecting horticultural crops, e.g., inducing losses o f about 30% o f total vegetable production in A lm erfa (Southern Spain), the largest horticultural growing area o f covered crops in E urope (Talavera etal., 2012). W orldwide, pesti cides w ith nem aticide activity, as w ell as cultural practices such as crop rotation and the use o f resistant varieties, are used to control num erous species o f plant-parasitic nem atodes (Qiao et al, 2010;Z asada et al, 2010). Soil fum igants, including 1,3-dichloropropene and chloropicrin, w hich are com m only used to control nem atode pests and soilborne diseases, have not been approved for use in the European U nion (E.C., 201 la , b).…”