The thymidine analogue 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) has a differential effect on the synthesis of tissue-specific products and molecules required for growth and division . Proliferating myogenic cells cultured in BUdR fail to fuse and fail to initiate the synthesis of contractile protein filaments . Conversely, BUdR has but a minor effect on cell viability and reproductive integrity . Low concentrations of BUdR result in an enhancement of cell number relative to the controls ; higher concentrations are cytotoxic . Suppression of myogenesis is reversible after at least 10 cell generations of growth in the analogue . Cells that do not synthesize DNA, such as postmitotic myoblasts and myotubes, are not affected by BUdR . Incorporation of BUdR for one round of DNA synthesis was accomplished by first incubating myogenic cells, prior to fusion, in 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) to block DNA synthesis and collect cells in the presynthetic phase . The cells were then allowed to synthesize either normal DNA or BU-DNA for one S period by circumventing the FUdR block with BUdR or BUdR plus thymidine (TdR) . The cultures were continued in FUdR to prevent dilution of the incorporated analogue by further division . After 3 days, the cultures from the FUdR-BUdR series showed the typical BUdR effect ; the cells were excessively flattened and few multinucleated myotubes formed . Cells in the control cultures were of normal morphology, and multinucleated myotubes were present . These results were confirmed in another experiment in which BUdR3H was added to 2-day cultures in which myotubes were forming. Fusion of thymidine 3H-labeled cells begins at 8 hr after the preceding S phase . In contrast, cells which incorporate BUdR-3H for one S period do not fuse with normal myotubes.