HIV is a global public health concern and people diagnosed with HIV are treated with Antiretroviral therapy. Until 2017, Tenofovir and Zidovudine-based ART were the two major first line drugs for PLHIVs in Nasarawa Nigeria. This study aims to compare the HIV viral load suppression amongst patients on these two ART combinations in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study was conducted in three (3) secondary health facilities in Nasarawa State using one hundred subjects selected randomly from the three facilities comprising 50 HIV Sero-positive individuals on Tenofovir-based ART and 50 HIV sero-positive individuals on Zidovudine-based ART. Ethylene diamine Tetra Acetic (EDTA) blood specimen was obtained from each study participant for Full blood count (FBC) using haematology auto-analyser (Sysmex K21N), CD4 count using Partec Cyflow Counter II and HIV viral load analysis using real-time polymerase chain reaction. The demographic data of study participants shows that more females (72) were involved in the study making up 64% of the subjects on Tenofovir and 80% of those on Zidovuine and most of the subjects were within the ages of 26-35years. There was no significant difference (p=0.666) in the viral load of the subjects on any of the regimen. The red blood cells count (RBC) and platelet counts were significantly different (p<0.0001) amongst the subjects on the two ART regimen whereas CD4 count, white blood cells count, lymphocytes count, granulocytes count and Packed cell volume (PCV) were not significantly different within the two groups. Age affected some of the haematological parameters (granulocytes, PCV, RBCs and platelets) within the two groups at different ages. Sex only affected the PCV and granulocytes of subjects within the two different groups (p=0.0069), occupation, knowledge about HIV/AIDS disease and care, duration of ART treatment and year of initial diagnosis of HIV did not affect the haematological and immunological parameters of subjects on the two ART regimen. Conclusively, there is no significant difference in the virologic and immunological response of patients on the two ART therapy but some haematological parameters of subjects on Zidovudine were statistically different from those on Tenofovir.