ABSTRACT'5NH4+ and I'5N1(amide)-glutamine externally supplied to detached nodules from soybean plants (cv. Tamanishiki) were incorporated within nodule tissues by vacuum infiltration and metabolized to various nitrogen compounds during 60 minutes of incubation time. In the case of 15NH4+-feeding, the 15N abundance ratio was highest in the amide nitrogen of glutamine, followed by glutamate and the amide nitrogen of asparagine. In '5N content (micrograms excess 15N), the amide nitrogen of asparagine was most highly enriched after 60 minutes. 1"NH4+ was also appreciably assimilated into alanine.When 115NI(amide)-glutamine was fed to detached nodules, 15N was almost entirely in the amide nitrogen of asparagine. The result indicates the presence of active glutamine-linked asparagine synthesizing systems in soybean root nodules.The results from numerous in vivo studies with metabolic inhibitors (14) and from in vitro enzymic analyses (9-11, 14) have established glutamine-linked asparagine synthesis in higher plants, although the pathway providing the carbon skeleton to asparagine remains open (I 1). In most legumes so far considered, asparagine is the principal assimilation product of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (7,8,10,16). Scott et al. (10) found glutamine-linked asparagine synthetase in the cytosol fraction of lupin nodules and proposed a sequence for asparagine formation from atmospheric nitrogen fixed by nodule bacteroids. Bleeding sap of soybean nodules also contains high concentrations of asparagine (16), indicating the presence of active asparagine synthesizing and transporting systems in soybean nodules. Extensive attempts by Streeter (12) to demonstrate asparagine biosynthesis from various radioactive precursors have, however, failed, possibly because of the presence of a very active asparaginase in soybean nodules (12). We observed that soybean nodule bacteroids had a high ability to transform asparagine to aspartate (unpublished data). The existence of such an active asparagine-decomposing system in nodules makes in vitro enzymic or tracer studies on asparagine synthesis difficult. In the present in vivo tracer study, asparagine formation in soybean nodules was examined especially in regard to the source of the amide nitrogen of asparagine.The data from isotopic analysis in this communication clearly Ar, and incubated at 30 C for I h. Reaction was terminated by the addition of 2 ml cold 0.4 N HC104 to each vial. The contents of the vials were immediately transferred into a cold mortar, ground with a pestle, washed into a centrifuge tube, and centrifuged at 15,000g for 30 min at 0 C. The acid precipitate was washed in cold 0.2 N HC104, centrifuged again, and the combined supernatant fluid was neutralized to pH 6.5. The cleared solution was used for the fractionation of each nitrogen constituent.Separation of Nitrogen Compounds and Conversion to Ammonia. The supernatant solution was shaken vigorously with I o (w/ v) of Permutit for several min and centrifuged at l0,OOOg for 10 min. The ammonia free supernata...