EDITORIALIn this second issue of the renamed Journal of Hospital das Clínicas, we start a new series of review articles in which a more in depth examination of themes is attempted. Our electronic editing is now operational, and we strongly invite future contributors to register and submit their manuscripts online (www.mdview.com.br/clinics) since we believe that this will greatly enhance the speed of publication. From the first to this second issue our time from acceptance of the manuscript to the physical appearance of the journal should be shrinking from 5½ to 4½ months. Ten articles on original research are being published.Xavier Vidal 1 evaluated the repair process of lesions in the ventricular myocardium of 26 rats with experimentally induced arterial hypertension induced by systemic blockade of nitric oxide. Blockade elevated arterial pressure and increased cardiac weight, causing wide infarcted myocardial areas, thickening of the muscular tunica with fibrosis, thickening in the wall of small arteries and arterioles, and wall fibrinoid necrosis to nearly complete luminal obliteration. Reparative fibrosis involved mainly oxytalan elastic and collagen fibers, which are considered of great importance for the post infarct repair process occurring during experimental nitric oxide inhibition.Wertzner et al. 2 evaluated speech emission in 40 children with and without phonological disorders by means of the Child Language Assessment phonology tests and two spontaneous speaking tests. Children with diagnosed phonological disorders predictably presented more distortions, but also a greater variability of response, with phonemes described by /s, z, / showing the highest frequency of occurrence.Szachnowicz et al. 3 estimated the prevalence of adenocarcinoma in 297 patients with Barrett's esophagus, and in 13 patients undergoing surgery, to conduct detailed macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Immunohistochemical tests for p53 and Ki67 were performed, correlating the type of tumor with its adjacent epithelium. In patients with Barrett´s esophagus, the prevalence of adenocarcinoma was