3 The effect of TDC (1.9 x 10-8 1.9 x lo-6 mol) was examined before and after propranolol (3 AM), tetraethylammonium (5 mM), ouabain (10-I M), N0-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (10-4 M) and capsaicin (50 mg kg-') to block, respectively, P-adrenoceptors, K+-channels, Na+, K+-ATPase, nitric oxide synthase, and primary sensory nerves. The vasodilator effect of TDC was not affected by any of these blocking agents or by denuding vascular endothelium with distilled water. 4 Infusion of TDC (1.9 x 10-8_1.9 x 10-6 mol) with K+-free or high K+ (60 mM) physiological salt solution (PSS) did not affect the vasodilator effect of TDC. 5 Contractions induced by KCl (0.01-1.0 M), arginine vasopressin (AVP, I1Ò 0-I-M) or cirazoline (10-v X Io-I M) were all inhibited by TDC (300ylM).6 TDC (10-6 to 10-M) also inhibited the basal tension and the development of spontaneous contractions in the isolated portal vein.7 TDC (300 pM), however, did not affect noradrenaline-induced phasic contractions elicited in Ca2+-free PSS by Ca2" release from intracellular stores. 8 We conclude that TDC inhibits Ca2" entry through both voltage-operated and receptor-operated calcium channels, whereas intracellular Ca2" release is not affected.