Summary. Cells of Candida shehatae repressed by growth in glucose-or D-xylose-medium produced a facilitated diffusion system that transported glucose ( K s + 2 m M , Vm,x--+2.3 mmoles g-1 h-l), D-xylose (Ks + 125 mM, Vmax + 22.5 mmoles g-1 h-1) and D-mannose, but neither D-galactose nor L-arabinose.Cells derepressed by starvation formed several sugar-proton symports. One proton symport accumulated 3-0-methylglucose about 400-fold and transported glucose (Ks+0.12 mM, V m a x + 3 . 2 mmoles g-1 h-1) and D-mannose, a second proton symport transported D-xylose (Ks+ 1.0 mM, Vmax 1.4 mmoles g-1 h-1) and D-galactose, while L-arabinose apparently used a third proton symport. The stoicheiometry was one proton for each molecule of glucose or D-xylose transported. Substrates of one sugar proton symport inhibited non-competitively the transport of substrates of the other symports.Starvation, while inducing the sugar-proton symports, silenced the facilitated diffusion system with respect to glucose transport but not with respect to the transport of D-xylose, facilitated diffusion functioning simultaneously with the D-xylose-proton symport.