The outstanding strength and toughness of certain spider and lepidopteran silks [1] has aroused considerable interest in recent years, [2] with research focusing primarily on the relationship between molecular structure and mechanical properties. [3] Environmental conditions such as ambient humidity, [4] acidity, [5] and UV radiation [6] all affect the mechanical properties of native silks to some degree. [7] Pronounced differences in mechanical properties were also observed when conditions such as the speed or temperature at spinning were varied [8] or when the silk was (or had been) submerged in solvents such as water, urea solution, or a range of alcohols, where it contracts in varying degrees. [9] Clearly, silk is affected by the ambient conditions both during spinning and during testing. Thus the mechanical properties of silks produced and tested under very specific conditions can be used as ªwindowsº to look into the interaction of production conditions and silk mechanics (studied by varying the extrusion conditions [8] ) as well as the details of the silk fine structure (examined by varying the testing conditions [9] ). Both are not without some importance to the spiders as they can affect the performance of the web. Spiders are ectotherms, and ambient temperature has a strong effect on spider behavior and life history, [10] in addition to affecting the material spun under those conditions. Climate further affects the material properties of silk and the engineering of the whole web, [2a,11] because webs are typically spun in the early morning, when humidity is high while temperature is low. Hence we may assume that evolution has led to a set of design criteria for silk that allow the material to function well over a range of temperatures (from ca. 0 C to 30 C), humidities (from ca. 20 to 100 RH (relative humidity)), and spinning speeds (from ca. 1 mm s ±1 to ca. 1000 mm s ±1 ). However, what about the properties outside that range? Moreover, as mentioned above, the inter-relation of environmental conditions and silk behavior can provide insights into the structure±func-tion relationship. Hence we posed, firstly, the question of whether a major spider silk, i.e., a silk that is normally used for lifelines and important supporting web-components, can perform outside the range of temperatures under which it evolved. Secondly, we were interested in the light that mechanical performance would shed on the structure of the material if we tested our silks under as wide a temperature regime as possible (i.e., ±60 to +150 C). Clearly, this would not only provide data of purely scientific value but also data of considerable commercial interest, as spider silk is often billed as a material with a great future. To study these questions (i.e., to examine the mechanical properties of a major spider silk over a wide temperature range), a dynamic mechanical thermal analyzer (DMTA) was used to measure both static and dynamic mechanical properties of single spider-silk threads. We measured the strain response of si...