Adult rats chronically fed a high-fat (HF) diet maintain reduced sensitivity to cholecystokinin (CCK). We hypothesized that, similar to adult rats, pups fed a HF diet would also exhibit reduced sensitivity to CCK. To test this, male pups fed low-fat (LF) and HF isoenergetic (16.2 kJ/g) diets were administered CCK intraperitoneally (0.125-1 microg/kg) 1 wk following dietary adaptation. After receiving 0.5 microg/kg CCK, pups fed the HF diet suppressed food intake less (8.9 +/- 5.0%) than pups fed the LF diet (28.9 +/- 4.7%; P < 0.05) relative to intakes after saline administration. We then assessed the development and extinction of changes in CCK sensitivity by switching the diets between the groups. The HF-fed group, when switched to the LF diet, regained sensitivity by wk 4 and suppressed food intake following administration of 0.25 microg/kg CCK (33.1 +/- 5.7%; P < 0.05). The LF-fed group, when switched to the HF diet, lost sensitivity by wk 2 and did not suppress food intake after administrations of CCK compared with saline. Finally, we examined if HF-fed rats have an increased sensitivity to corn oil during brief access tests using a multibottle gustometer. At oil concentrations of 25, 75, and 100%, rats fed the HF diet sampled more oil than LF-fed rats (P < 0.05). These findings demonstrate that male rat pups fed a HF diet exhibit reduced sensitivity to CCK, the development of this reduced sensitivity is quicker than its extinction, and rats consuming a HF diet have increased oral sensitivity to oils.