Chitin is most abundantly found non-digestible carbohydrate similar to cellulose. It has gained a lot of interest in last few years due to its wide range of applications. They are used as an alternative, dietary supplement. Chitin on deacetylation forms chitosan, an active component of chitin. The degree of deacetylation and molecular weight are the factors that elucidate varying degree of biological property of chitosan. The ability of chitosan in fat and lipid excretion has obtained keen eye among various researchers. This property of chitosan is made use in enhancing the elimination of various harmful environmental lipophilic xenobiotics. Endocrine disruptors are a group of environmental pollutants causing various hazardous effects in living system. They are highly lipophilic, persistent and can accumulate in various tissues. Thus correlating the ability of chitosan to increase excretion of fats and lipophilic xenobiotics showed a promising positive outcome.