The foremost aim of cellular mobile communication is to find out existing location of mobile terminals togive out the service, which is well-known as location management. The LM involves tracking of (mobileterminal's) MT's up-to-date location, which moves freely across different cells in order to provide themservices. Every MT undergoes same number of updates when passes through a definite region. One suchscheme is reporting centre in which, some of the cells are designated as reporting centres and all close bycells up to the next reporting centre belong to vicinity of same reporting centre. MT updates its locationwhenever it crosses vicinity of its current reporting centre, which happens no more than when it enters intoanother reporting centre and therefore a LU is triggered. To deliver a call, network pages currentreporting centre and its entire vicinity simultaneously to locate the target MT. We have applied predictionbasedselective paging on reporting centre scheme in cellular mobile networks, which reduces paging costwithout affecting the location update cost. Paging cost by the side of with LM cost for both the conventionaland proposed schemes will be updated as a consequence which gives the results