466JAN LONEY 2 = Less overt, less serious, less frequent, or less chronic than number 1, or with some guilt. Humorous "smarting off" with teachers would fall here, as would evasion of rules and regulations. 3 = No information; controls are not an issue. 4 = Relaxed and easy controls; relatively obedient and conforming. 5 = Controlled and conscientious to the point of being inhibited. A model child, "too good to be true."SELF-ESTEEM 1 = Extremely low self-esteem, self-pity, self-blame. Doesn't feel worthwhile, believes that whatever goes wrong is his fault, feels he can't do anything right.2 = Less obvious, severe, or less chronic than number 1, or with some humor. Very humble, but can admit that he has redeeming minor good features. Can be "picked up" by attempts to praise and reassure.
= No information; self-esteem is not a particular issue. 4 = Relaxed and easy acceptance of self, including faults. Self-assured, self confident, likes himself. 5 = Accepts self to the point of being obnoxious. Insensitive, self-centered, egotistical. Feels he is perfect.