A frequently used method for determining the threshold temperature for insect development is based on the expression for the hyperbola and its reciprocal (Bean 1961). This method has certain disadvantages, the major one being that the developmental velocity curve is sigmoid and the selection of a linear portion of this curve has a subjective element (Morris and Fulton 1970). Sanders (1975) has published a different method for estimating the threshold temperature for the development of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.)) pupae. However. his analysis of the data, by iteration, is unnecessarily laborious. A simpler and more accurate analysis is presented here, using the data in Sanders' (1 975) table I as an example. At a constant temperature of 2 1 .1 "C, male pupae required an average of 9.3 days to moth emergence, while female pupae required 8.6 days. Emergence in the field averaged between 16 and 21 days. Rather than select five assumed threshold temperatures, it is necessary to select only two temperatures, determine the degree-days required for the average emergence time, plot the points, and draw a straight line between the points. Thus, for male pupae reared at 21.1°C: selecting l . l°C as the assumed threshold temperature, one obtains 9.3 days at 20°C = 186 degree-days; selecting 11.l0C on the assumed threshold temperature one obtains 9.3 days at 10°C = 93 degree days. These two points are plotted and a line is drawn, Fig. 1 line A1 . The procedure is repeated for the other temperature regime: selecting 2.8"C as the assumed threshold temperature, mean emergence occurred at 211 degree-days; selecting 10°C as the assumed threshold temperature, mean emergence occurred at 71 degree-days. These two points are plotted and a line is drawn, Fig. 1 line A2. The threshold temperature for male pupal development is the point at which the lines intersect, 6.9"C.Repeating the procedure for the female pupae, one obtains a threshold temperature of 7.4"C ( Fig. 1 lines B 1, B2). Sanders (1975) determined the threshold temperature to be 7.2"C with no difference between males and females. My analysis shows that the threshold temperature for female pupae is 0.5"C greater than that for males.