2The zoonotic protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum poses a significant risk to public health and has become a global concern for water resource management (10). In order to identify the risk of potential contamination, knowledge about the survival of Cryptosporidium oocysts in the environment is required. Cryptosporidium oocysts can retain infectivity for months and resist environmental stresses more readily than many other pathogens because of a hard protective wall (10,15,41). As a result, the characterization of the die-off dynamics of C. parvum oocysts in the environment has received much attention (26). In this paper, we review the published data of the last two decades and the derived understanding of the relationships between temperature, one of the most important environmental stresses, and the die-off of C. parvum in water, soils, and feces.In general, the inactivation of Cryptosporidium oocysts in the environment slows down exponentially with time, presenting shoulder and tailing effects (31,38). To cater for these two functions, a first-order exponential formula has usually been used to simulate the die-off curves for oocysts in water (5, 9, 18, 21), in soils (8,20,28), and in feces (30,35), with equation 1 as follows:where K is the die-off rate coefficient (dimensionless) and y 0 and y t are the oocyst numbers at time zero, under the initial condition, and at time t (any suitable unit of time), respectively. If normalized by the initial oocyst number, equation 1 can be rewritten as follows:whereIn equation 2, K is independent of the initial oocyst number and represents a constant die-off rate over the entire incubation period. Alternatively, for a given percentage of inactivated oocysts, K is inversely proportional to the incubation time. By using equation 2, it is possible to estimate the infectivity of oocysts at a given time. For example, if K is 0.01 day Ϫ1 , the inactivation of 99.9% of oocysts requires 690 days, compared to 138 days when K is 0.05 day Ϫ1 . In addition, it is possible to find relationships between K and other quantifiable environmental factors.King and Monis (26) reviewed many critical environmental factors affecting Cryptosporidium oocyst survival, ranging from the abiotic stresses of temperature, pH, ammonia, salinity, desiccation, and solar radiation to biotic antagonism. Oocyst survival in soils and feces has received less attention than that in water, perhaps because more complicated stresses occur in terrestrial than in aquatic environments. Aside from the temperature, moisture level (or soil water potential), mineralogy, pH, and presence and composition of organic matter, other physical, chemical, and biological properties may play a potential role in the infectivity of oocysts in soils (9,20,24,28,37). Additional stresses such as the composition of manure, the concentration of ammonia, and pile style may also influence oocyst fate in feces and slurry spread on land (19,22,35). Therefore, in any environment, multiple concomitant factors such as those aforementioned c...