Impact StatementUsing a combined experimental and modeling approach we investigate the coupling between diffusive/dispersive processes and kinetic iron(II) oxidation in batch, 1-D column, and 2-D flow-through systems.
Abstract 1Diffusive/dispersive mass transfer is important for many groundwater quality problems as it drives the 2 interaction between different reactants, thus influencing a wide variety of biogeochemical processes. In 3 this study we performed laboratory experiments to quantify oxygen transport in porous media, across the 4 unsaturated/saturated interface, under both conservative and reactive transport conditions. As reactive 5 system we considered the abiotic oxidation of ferrous iron in the presence of oxygen. We studied the 6 reaction kinetics in batch experiments and its coupling with diffusive and dispersive transport processes 7 by means of 1-D columns and 2-D flow-through experiments, respectively. A non-invasive optode 8 technique was used to track oxygen transport into the initially anoxic porous media at highly resolved 9 spatial and temporal scales. The results show significant differences in the propagation of the conservative 10 and reactive oxygen fronts. Under reactive conditions oxygen, continuously provided from the 11 atmosphere, was considerably retarded due to the interaction with dissolved iron(II), initially present in 12 the anoxic groundwater. The reaction between dissolved oxygen and ferrous iron led to the formation of 13 an iron(III) precipitation zone in the experiments. Reactive transport modeling based on a kinetic 14 PHREEQC module tested in controlled batch experiments allowed a quantitative interpretation of the 15 experimental results in both 1-D and 2-D setups. 16 Keywords: diffusion; transverse dispersion; unsaturated/saturated interface; iron(II) oxidation; porous media.
18In natural systems, the geochemical and biological activity at the interface between different 19 compartments, such as the unsaturated and the saturated zone in the subsurface, is determined by the 20 fluxes and exchange rates across the interface. Interface regions are highly active in terms of 21 physicochemical and microbiological processes (e.g., Sobolev and Roden, 2001; Bauer et al., 2009; Jost et 22 al., 2014). A number of experimental and modeling studies have identified diffusive and dispersive 23 processes as key mechanisms for mass transfer of volatile compounds to or from groundwater systems 24 (e.g., Barber and Davis, 1987; Barber et al., 1990; McCarthy and Johnson, 1993; Klenk and Grathwohl, 25 2002;Werner and Höhener, 2002;Prommer et al., 2009; Haberer et al., 2011 Haberer et al., , 2012 Freitas et al., 2011). 26
3Of particular importance is the mass transfer of oxygen to anoxic groundwater since dissolved oxygen 27 plays a key role for many biogeochemical processes. The supply of oxygen influences the subsurface 28 redox conditions and the rates of many biological and geochemical reactions (e.g., Stumm and Morgan, 29 1996; Chapelle, 2001; Mächler et al., 2013; Re...