The growth direction of solid phase, which has a great influence on the grain selection, has been investigated. Transparent organic systems, succinonitrile-H 2 O alloy and pivalic acid-H 2 O alloy have been used for unidirectional solidification. Essential parameters of phase diagrams, distribution coefficient of H 2 O (k) and liquidus slope (m) have been determined experimentally. The relationship is analyzed between dimensionless growth velocity (V=V c , where V c is the critical growth velocity for constitutional supercooling) and dimensionless growth direction ( 0 ). The change in 0 with V=V c is common and similar for both alloy systems. 0 increases rapidly at low growth velocity region. Then, 0 increases slowly and approaches unity with increasing V=V c . When the anisotropy of surface energy increases, the growth direction of solid phase becomes close to the preferred growth direction even at low growth velocity region, where cellular interface is observed.