Forage Brassica crops produce high yield of leaves and roots of high nutritive value at two critical periods in the year, the first in mid-summer and the second in late fall to early winter when most warm and coolseason grasses are unproductive (Wiedenhoeft, 1993;Reid et al., 1994;Wiedenhoeft and Barton, 1994 plant, leaf length and width, plant part components, and dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) yield were measured. Significant differences were observed for the main effects cultivar and harvest stage on DM and protein yields. The CP content of the whole plant and vegetative parts of the Brassica genotypes decreased as plant maturity progressed. In general, turnip cultivars showed better performance in DM yield. Fall sown turnip produced 9.10 and 12.1 Mg ha -1 DM yield, with 15.1 and 9.10% CP concentrations, at full flowering and at podding stage, respectively. Significant differences were noted among cultivars for these two parameters. Protein content decreased dramatically in stem parts when maturity advanced from full flower to full pod stages. High leaf percentage and high protein content at full flowering suggest that this should be the preferred forage harvest stage for rape and turnip cultivars.Additional key words: Brassica napus L. var. oleifera, Brassica rapa L. var. rapa, crude protein, dry matter yield, plant proportions.