LLORET, P. G., and PULGAR~N, A. 1992. Effect of naphthaleneacetic acid on the formation of lateral roots in the adventitious root of Allium cepa: number and arrangement of laterals along the parent root. Can. J. Bot. 70: 1891 -1896.The exogenous application of an auxin (a-naphthaleneacetic acid) to the adventitious root of Alliuln cepa L. promotes lateral root formation and inhibits main root elongation. If the adventitious roots are released from the influence of this auxin, they may resume elongation after M but not after treatment. Auxin leads to the appearance of late-forming root primordia intercalated between previously formed laterals. The arrangement of laterals along the adventitious root is another feature altered by treatment, i.e., control roots develop the same number of laterals throughout the length of the zone in which laterals appear, whereas in treated roots the number of laterals rises steadily as the distal end of this zone is approached. In M auxin-treated roots, no increase in the number of laterals occurs in basal zones of the parent root, whereas treatment with 10-I M naphthaleneacetic acid leads to a sharp rise in the number of laterals formed at these zones. Our results suggest that the basal part of onion roots is less sensitive than the apical portion of the effects of naphthaleneacetic acid. This chemical seems to have a rejuvenating effect on cells of the pericycle, enabling them to initiate lateral primordia when under normal conditions they would no do so.Key words: Allium cepa, auxin, lateral root, naphthaleneacetic acid, onion. LLORET, P. G., et PULGAR~N, A. 1992. Effect of naphthaleneacetic acid on the formation of lateral roots in the adventitious root of Allium cepa: number and arrangement of laterals along the parent root. Can. J. Bot. 70 : 1891 -1896.L'addition d'une auxine exogkne (acide a-naphtalkne acCtique) aux racines adventives de 1'Allium cepa L. stimule la formation de racines lattrales et inhibe l'tlongation de la racine principale. Si les racines adventives sont soustraites B l'influence de cette auxine, elles peuvent reprendre leur Clongation aprks des traitements B M mais non B M. L'auxine conduit B l'apparition de primordiums racinaires B formation tardive intercallts entre les racir~es laterales dkji formtes. L'arrangement des racines lattrales le long de la racine adventive est une autre caractCristique affectCe par le traitement, i.e., les racines ttmoins dCveloppent le m&me nombre de racines lattrales tout au long de la zone dans laquelle les racines 1atCrales apparaissent, alors que chez le racines traittes, le nombre des racines lattrales augmente continuellement B mesure qu'on approche de l'extrtmitt distale de cette zone. Chez les racines traitCes avec M d'auxine, il n'y a pas d'augmentation dans le nombre de racines lattrales dans les zones basales de la racine mere, alors que le traitement B l'acide naphtalene acktique M conduit B une nette augmentation du nombre de racines latkrales formtes sur ces zones. Les rtsultats indiquent que la portion basale ...