Red light running at signalised intersections is a growing road safety issue worldwide, leading to the rapid development of advanced intelligent transportation technologies and countermeasures. However, existing studies have yet to summarise and present the effect of these technology-based innovations in improving safety. This paper represents a comprehensive review of red-light running behaviour prediction methodologies and technology-based countermeasures. Specifically, the major focus of this study is to provide a comprehensive review on two streams of literature targeting red-light running and stop-and-go behaviour at signalised intersection -(1) studies focusing on modelling and predicting the red-light running and stop-and-go related driver behaviour and (2) studies focusing on the effectiveness of different technologybased countermeasures which combat such unsafe behaviour. The study provides a systematic guide to assist researchers and stakeholders in understanding how to best identify red-light running and stop-and-go associated driving behaviour and subsequently implement countermeasures to combat such risky behaviour and improve the associated safety.
INDEX TERMSRed-light running; Stop-go at yellow onset; Dilemma zone; Intersection; Behaviour prediction; Statistical and Machine learning models, Countermeasures.