1. Freshwater fish are a vital resource for local communities across the rural tropics. In Southeast Asia, biodiversity-rich forests are being logged and converted to extensive oil palm monocultures. This clearly has impacts on associated freshwater ecosystems, but the impact on their biodiversity remains largely understudied and poorly understood, despite the important provisioning service that freshwater fishes provide for human well-being.2. This study quantifies the biomass stocks of freshwater fish across a land-use gradient encompassing primary forest, twice-logged forest, and oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysia, in an area where local communities are known to harvest freshwater fish. Stream fish were sampled using a cast net, the dominant technique used by local fishermen, in 200-m-long transects in 16 streams over three sampling years (2011, 2013, and 2015).3. Unexpectedly, no impact from land use on total fish availability was detected.There were no significant differences in fish species richness or, most importantly, biomass per unit fishing effort across the land-use gradient. There was variation in the responses of five known food species (Tor tambra, Hampala sabana, Barbodes sealei, Barbonymus balleroides, and Gastromyzon lepidogaster), and these small differences are attributed to variation in species habitat selection that co-vary with landuse change.4. Despite evidence to suggest that freshwater fish communities are resilient to landuse change, they still face risks associated with disturbance, such as invasion by alien species; furthermore, several of the more stenotopic species were only present in primary forest catchments. Nonetheless, freshwater fish in small headwater streams appear to represent a sustainable food resource for villages established in human-modified forests or in developed oil palm plantations.