The bioenergetic role of the reduction of elemental sulfur (SO) in the hyperthermophilic archaeon (formerly archaebacterium) Pyrococcusfuriosus was investigated with chemostat cultures with maltose as the limiting carbon source. The maximal yield coefficient was 99.8 g (dry weight) of cells (cdw) per mol of maltose in the presence of So but only 51.3 g (cdw) per mol of maltose if So was omitted. However, the corresponding maintenance coefficients were not found to be significantly different. The primary fermentation products detected were H2, C02, and acetate, together with H2S, when So was also added to the growth medium. If H2S was summed with H2 to represent total reducing equivalents released during fermentation, the presence of So had no significant effect on the pattern of fermentation products. In addition, the presence of So did not significantly affect the specific activities in cell extracts of hydrogenase, sulfur reductase, a-glucosidase, or protease. These results suggest either that So reduction is an energy-conserving reaction, i.e., So respiration, or that So has a stimulatory effect on or helps overcome a process that is yield limiting. A modification of the Entner-Doudoroff glycolytic pathway has been proposed as the primary route of glucose catabolism in P.furiosus (S. Mukund and M. W. W. Adams, J. Biol. Chem. 266:14208-14216, 1991). Operation of this pathway should yield 4 mol of ATP per mol of maltose oxidized, from which one can calculate a value of 12.9 g (cdw)per mol of ATP for non-So growth. Comparison of this value to the yield data for growth in the presence of S0 indicates that So reduction is equivalent to an ATP yield of 0.5 mol of ATP per mol of So reduced. Possible mechanisms to account for this apparent energy conservation are discussed.Microorganisms that are able to grow optimally near the normal boiling point of water are a very recent discovery (48). To date, all have been classified as archaea (formerly archaebacteria [57]). The existence of such organisms has raised many fundamental biological questions. For example, one of the distinguishing growth characteristics of these so-called hyperthermophiles is their ability to reduce elemental sulfur (S) to H2S, and there has been much speculation as to So's physiological role (4, 22, 44) (for reviews, see references 1, 26, 42, and 48). On the other hand, the reduction of S to H2S is extremely limited in nonhyperthermophilic organisms. For example, only the mesophilic (eu) bacterium Desulfuromonas acetoxidans (39) and the moderate thermophile Desulfurella acetivorans (6) are obligately dependent upon the anaerobic respiration of So for growth, and only a few organisms which facultatively reduce So are known (28, 30a, 33, 57a, 58). In contrast, all known hyperthermophiles metabolize SO; in fact, the majority are obligately dependent upon So reduction and use either H2 or organic compounds as electron donors. The best studied is the autotroph Pyrodictium brockii (49), from which several components of its membrane-bound electron tra...