Theories of pain-related attention biases (ABs) have posited that people are predisposed to focus upon pain because prioritizing attention towards potential threats enhances survival (Eccleston & Crombez, 1999). Unfortunately, when ongoing pain is an attentional priority over extended intervals, healthy behaviours may be compromised, impairment may be compounded and pain chronicity may become entrenched (Vlaeyen & Linton, 2000). In sum, pain-related ABs are hypothesized to increase risk for the development and maintenance of chronic pain. Meta-analyses based on reaction times (RTs) to stimuli from laboratory tasks have found selective support for these premises (Crombez, Van Ryckeghem, Eccleston, & Van Damme, 2013; Todd, van Ryckeghem, Sharpe, & Crombez, 2018). For example Todd et al. (2018) found chronic pain samples showed modestly