Attempts to reduce the noise from high-performance military aircraft requires an understanding of the different jet noise generation mechanisms. The primary noise sources originate from interactions between turbulent mixing noise associated with large and finescale turbulent structures and the ambient air. A nonideally expanded jet also contains broadband shock-associated noise. A three-way decomposition of the spectral density measured near a tied-down F-35B quantifies the contribution from each type of noise. The decomposition is performed on noise from a ground-based, linear array of microphones, approximately 8 m from the estimated shear layer, which spanned an angular aperture of 35° to 152° (relative to engine inlet). This large spatial aperture allows for a detailed investigation into the spatial variation in broadband shock-associated noise and fine and large-scale turbulent mixing noise. The spectral decompositions match the measured spectral levels with three main exceptions: 1) the F-35B noise contains multiple spectral peaks in the maximum radiation region, 2) nonlinear propagation increases the high-frequency spectral levels, and 3) the low-frequency levels in the maximum radiation region are less than those predicted by the large-scale similarity spectrum. The main peak of the F-35B broadband shock-associated noise, evident from 35°-70°, has the same characteristic shape and variation in peak frequency as overexpanded, laboratory-scale jets. The F-35B broadband shockassociated noise peak level and width exhibit different trends than laboratory-scale BBSAN and those recently reported for the F/A-18E [