ABSTRACT.-It is widely accepted that tropical birds differ from temperate species in life-history traits and social behaviors, yet baseline ecological data are lacking for most tropical species and comparative studies often fail to control for phylogenetic influences. Within the Americas, the Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) is ideal for such comparisons because its subspecies encompass a range of life-history strategies; the subspecies include long-distance migrants, temperate-tropical migrants, and tropical residents. We collected baseline data on the breeding ecology of Mangrove Warblers (D. p. bryanti) from southern Mexico (2001Mexico ( -2003 and compared their life-history traits with those of temperate and other tropical subspecies using existing data. Mangrove Warblers actively defended territories year-round during both nonbreeding and breeding seasons. The timing of breeding varied by year, and clutch size averaged 2.9 + 0.5 [SD] eggs, with both a median and a mode of 3 eggs. Annual estimates of nesting success ranged from 18% to 33%, and nest depredation was the primary cause of nest failure. Annual survival was significantly higher for males (0.65) than for females (0.52) and, given our data, did not vary by age or year. On the basis of a comparative analysis of life-history data from published studies on the Yellow Warbler subspecies complex, we found that most life-history traits differed between tropical and temperate latitudes. Specifically, compared with temperate Yellow Warblers, Mangrove Warblers exhibited longer breeding seasons, smaller clutch sizes, longer incubation and nestling periods, lower nesting success, higher rates of nest depredation, and higher annual adult survival rates.
Ecologia Reproductiva de Dendroica petechia bryanti y Comparacion de los Rasgos de Historia de Vida de las Subespecies del Complejo de Dendroica petechiaRESUMEN.-Las diferencias en los rasgos de historia de vida entre especies de aves tropicales y de zonas templadas es una notion ampliamente aceptada. No obstante, se carece de information biologica para la mayoria de especies de aves tropicales y los estudios comparatives con especies de zonas templadas frecuentemente omiten controlar las influencias filogeneticas. En el continente americano, Dendroica petechia es una especie ideal para comparaciones de este tipo ya que cuenta con subespecies migratorias que se reproducen en las zonas templadas y con poblaciones tropicales residentes. Estudiamos la biologia reproductiva de la subespecie tropical D. p. bryanti del sur de Mexico por tres ahos (2001)(2002)(2003), y comparamos los rasgos de historia de vida con los de poblaciones de Norte America y de otras subespecies tropicales. Encontramos que D. p. bryanti defiende territories durante todo el ano, que el inicio de la reproduction vario entre ahos y que el tamano promedio de la nidada fue de 2.9 + 0.5 (DE) huevos, con una mediana y moda de tres. Los estimados anuales del exito de anidacion estuvieron entre el 18% y el 33%, y la depredation fue la principal ca...