The main objective of the present investigation was to study the morphological and chronological aspects of the development of the Harderian gland in the Syrian golden hamster. Tissues were obtained from male and female hamsters at days 1,3,5,7,10,12,15,17,20,27,37,46, and 90 after birth and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. The present observations indicate that a well-defined temporal sequence in microscopic and ultrastructural modification is recognizable in the development of the hamster Harderian gland. Four stages of development were proposed. Between days 1-5 (first stage), the gland shows characteristics of an immature structure. The glandular cells contain many free ribosomes, few and small organelles, and large irregular-shape nuclei. Between days 7-17 (second stage), there is a marked increase of organelles involved in synthesis and secretion. The gland begins the secretion of lipids and porphyrins, but no morphological differences between male and female glands are observed. Between days 20-36 (third stage), the morphological differences between the two sexes appear and progressively develop. In 45-day-old hamsters, the Harderian gland possesses the structural characteristics of adult glands, and further developmental changes are essentially quantitative in nature (fourth stage). At all stages of development, the population of secretory cells has a uniform appearance. The morphological results are discussed as well as the possible relationship of this temporal sequence with hormonal changes.