ABSTRACT. We examined the separate effects of acute hypercapnia and acute hypoxia on the electromyographic activity (EMG) of the costal and crural diaphragm in 6 anesthetized spontaneously breathing piglets (age 12-23 days, weight 3.00-4.37 kg). Bipolar wire electrodes were inserted into the anterior paratendinous costal diaphragm and the midportion of the crural diaphragm. EMG activity was quantified in arbitrary units (au) of peak moving time average while the animals breathed 50% 02/50% N2 (baseline) and after 30 min of either hypercapnia (12% COz) or hypoxia (12% Oz) exposure. After 30 min of hypercapnia, the peak moving time average EMG increased in both parts of the diaphragm with the increase in crural diaphragm EMG activity (from baseline: 20 f 2 au to 30 min 12% C02: 83 f 20 au) not being significantly different from that observed in the costal diaphragm (from baseline: 21 f 2 au to 30 min 12% C02: 72 f 20 au, p = 0.17).Similarly, the peak moving time average EMG increased in both parts of the diaphragm after 30 min of hypoxia with the increase in the crural diaphragm EMG activity (from baseline: 21 f 2 au to 30 min 12% 02: 28 f 6 au) not being significantly different from that observed in the costal diaphragm (from baseline: 21 f 1 au to 30 min 12% 02: 26 f 7 au, p = 0.51). These data indicate that the inspiratory EMG activity of the diaphragm is not differentially distributed between its costal and crural components during chemically stimulated breathing in piglets. (Pediatr Res 23: 54-57,1987 Abbreviations EMG, electromyography PaOz, arterial oxygen partial pressure PaC02, arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure au, arbitrarity unit IRL, inspiratory resistive loaded breathing Experimental evidence from adult animal studies suggest that the costal and crural portions of the diaphragm may be two separate muscles (I -5). Specifically, differences in the mechanical actions (I), fiber composition (2), embryologic development (3), and segmental innervation (4,5) of the costal and crural segments have been documented. Furthermore, investigators have reported differential costal and crural diaphragm electromyographic activity during periods of heightened respiratory drive (6, 7) suggesting that the neural control of the two diaphragmatic segments may be different.In support of this concept, we have recently reported that the inspiratory EMG activity of the diaphragm is differentially distributed between its costal and crural components during inspiratory resistive loaded breathing in piglets (8). Specifically, we observed a greater augmentation in crural EMG activity when compared to its costal counterpart during the period of loaded breathing. The etiology of the greater augmentation in crural when compared with costal activity during inspiratory resistive loaded breathing is not known. However, investigators have reported that hypercapnia (6, 9) (a resultant condition of inspiratory resistive loaded breathing in our study) and hypoxia (9,10) will in and of themselves lead to a preferential augmentation...