Pesq. Vet. Bras. 34(8):785-790, agosto 2014 785 RESUMO.-Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil sanguíneo e o tamanho absoluto e relativo dos órgãos internos de bezerros em sistema de aleitamento convencional ou fracionado. Foram utilizadas 10 fêmeas, com peso corporal inicial médio de 37,53 kg (±2,36) e 12 machos com peso corporal médio de 81,6 kg (±8,6), ambos da raça Holandesa. O aleitamento convencional constituiu-se de quatro litros de leite fornecidos diariamente durante 54 dias de avaliação e o fracionado, de seis litros do 6º ao 25º dias de idade, quatro litros do 26º ao 45º dias de idade e dois litros do 46º ao 59º dias de idade, além de concentrado, feno de Cynodon sp., água e suplemento mineral fornecidos ad libitum. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco repetições para os parâmetros sanguíneos e seis repetições para o desenvolvimento dos órgãos internos. The objective was to evaluate the blood profile together with the relative and absolute size of the internal organs of calves in conventional or fractionated feeding system. Ten females were used, with an average initial body weight of 37.53 kg (±2.36), and 12 males with a mean body weight of 81.6 kg (±8.6), both Holstein breed. The conventional feeding consisted of four liter milk supplied daily for 54 days of evaluation, and fractioned six liter milk was given from 6 to 25 days of age, four liter from 26 to 45 days of ager, and two liter from 46 to 59 days of age. Cynodon sp. hay, water and mineral supplement was provided ad libitum. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates for blood parameters and six replicates for the development of internal organs. Blood collections were performed in females on days seven, 21, 28, 42, 49 and 56 of age. For the evaluation of internal organs males were slaughtered at two months of age, after 16 hours of fasting. No differences occurred in the values of total protein, albumin, globulin, creatinine, urea, cholesterol and β-hydroxybutyrate in ages evaluated (p>0.05). However, for the concentration of glucose no interaction was found between lactation systems and periods evaluated. It can be noted that at 21 days of age the concentration was higher in calves kept in the fractionated system, when compared with animals of the conventional group. The feeding system did not affect the final body weight, the empty body weight or the weight of the internal organs, except for the heart, demonstrating that the fractional feeding system does not alter the assessment of the internal organs.