Volume 4 -Issue 1 where most nutrients are analyzed separately with different methods. The NIRS technique measures light absorption of a feed or ingredient sample when scanned using wavelengths in the near-infrared region (780 to 2500 nm). Spectrum absorption in the NIR region depends on the chemical bonds (C-H, N-H, S-H or O-H) as well as the physical and structural characteristics of the sample. The chemical bonds make it possible to identify specific regions of the spectrum associated with sample constituents such as starch, crude protein or fiber [3].Although the NIRS instrument is highly efficient, variations in sample composition can be observed in results [4]. These variations could be due to factors such as technician, cross-contamination, analysis of a sample that is not present in the installed calibrations, physical form of feed (mash or pellet), particle size, shape, distribution of sample sand also spaces between particles [5,6]. The