General Motors CorporationWarren, Michigan 48090Four-ball zuenr sttidies have demowstmted tlznt ttie m~tituear perfornlance of n cornmercinl zinc dinlkyl dithiophosphnte (ZDP) nntiruenr rigen1 can be ridvcrsely affected by tire presc~ice of some friction niodfiers, E P rigents, osidr~tion intiibito~s, nnd detergentdisperstn~ts. T o csplrin these obseruntions, ZDP decomf)osition stt~dies 7ue1.e co?zd~~cted tuitl~ these other nddi1ive.s present. None of tile rt~ensrrred ZDP decomposition characteristics comi)letely explnin &he obse~vcd clinnges in ZDP a,~tituenr peformnrlce. Complex,formntion in the 61ilk oil and competition for tlie stcrf(~ce serrn to be i~~uoIued.