Abstract.We use an improved Langevin description that incorporates both additive and multiplicative noise terms to study the dynamics of phase ordering. We perform real-time lattice simulations to investigate the role played by different contributions to the dissipation and noise. Lattice-size independence is assured by the use of appropriate lattice counterterms.Keywords: QCD phase transition; Heavy-ion collisions; Dissipation in field theory PACS: 11.30.Rd , 64.90.+b The dynamics of spinodal decomposition after a phase transition in field theory plays a major role in physics, for instance in the nonequilibrium time evolution of order parameters [1]. The influence of the presence of a hot and dense medium on the dynamics of particles and fields is encoded "macroscopically" in attributes such as dissipation and noise, and can dramatically affect the relevant time scales for different stages of phase conversion. In particular, in high-energy heavy ion collisions, where one presumably forms a hot, dense, strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma [2], chiral fields evolve under extreme conditions of temperature and density during the QCD phase transition. To have a clear understanding of data coming from BNL-RHIC, and especially of data that will be produced at CERN-LHC, one needs a realistic description of the hierarchy of scales associated with dissipation, noise, radiation, expansion and finite size of the system. Recently, some of us have considered the effects of dissipation in the scenario of explosive spinodal decomposition for hadron production [3,4,5,6,7] during the QCD transition after a high-energy heavy ion collision in the simplest fashion [8]. Using a phenomenological Langevin description for the time evolution of the order parameter in a chiral effective model [9], inspired by microscopic nonequilibrium field theory results [10,11,12], we performed real-time lattice simulations for the behavior of the inhomogeneous chiral fields. It was shown that the effects of dissipation could be dramatic in spite of very conservative assumptions: even if the system quickly reaches the unstable region there is still no guarantee that it will explode. The framework for the dynamics was assumed to be given by the following Langevin equation: