ObjectiveThe objective of this experimental study was to evaluate, through bone densitometry, the performance of two factors that may influence the osseointegration process: nicotine and superficial texturization of the implants.
Nineteen New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus
Considering the optical density (pixels), there were no statistical significant differences between the types of implants (p = 0.135) as well as between groups (p=0.590).
The nicotine inside the experimental conditions used in this study and the superficial texturization of the implants indicated that they were not influencing bone density.Indexing terms: Dental implants. Densitometry. Nicotine. Osseointegration.
RESUMO ObjetivoAvaliar por meio de densitometria óssea o comportamento de dois fatores que podem inteferir no processo da osseointegração: a nicotina e a texturização superficial dos implantes.
MétodosDezenove coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia (Oryctolagus cuniculus) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (teste e controle), nos quais foram colocados 38 implantes. Na tíbia direita dos animais foram inseridos dezenove implantes usinados (lisos) de 3,75 mm de diâmetro por 6,0 mm de comprimento e, na tíbia esquerda, dezenove implantes anodizados (Vulcano ® ) nas mesmas dimensões. Foram administradas no grupo teste injeções subcutâneas de nicotina 3ml/dia/kg, três vezes ao dia, o grupo controle recebeu igualmente, três vezes ao dia, solução subcutânea de NaCl (3ml/dia/kg), por oito semanas. Após esse período, procedeu-se a análise densitométrica.
ResultadosConsiderando a densidade óptica (pixels), não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os tipos de implantes (p = 0.135) bem como entre os grupos (p=0.590).
ConclusãoA nicotina dentro das condições experimentais empregadas neste estudo e a texturização superficial dos implantes não interferiram na densidade óssea.
149Osseointegration of implants under nicotine They were randomly distributed into two groups (test and control), in which 38 implants were placed, that is, two for each rabbit. Machined implants (Master Screw ® ) of 3.75 mm diameter by 6.0 mm length were inserted in the right tibia of the animals, and, in the left tibia, anodized implants (Master Vulcano Actives ® ) were inserted using the same dimensions. Subcutaneous injections of nicotine treated (Sigma-Aldrich, ® Copenhagen, Denmark AS) 3ml/ day/kg, three times a day were used in group test. Group control also received a subcutaneous solution of NaCl (3ml/ day/kg) three times a day for eight weeks.The animals were sacrificed and the bone samples with the implants were removed, submitted to digitized periapical radiographs with time exposure of 0.02s (X-ray, model SALETEC X-MIND-70 kVp and 8mA with focal point of 0.7mm x 0.7 mm, filtration of 2.5mm Al and digital sensor CCD Fimet IOX-F1 and submitted to analysis of bone densitometry.Two measures of optical density were standardized, considering a "mesial" and "distal" of each implant, taking as an apical reference the...