A B S T R A C TThe effect of a second non-singular term of mode I in the vicinity of the tip of a V-notched crack is discussed. The undetermined eigenvector coefficients of singular and non-singular terms of eigenfunction expansion were calculated by the numerical analysis method using the reciprocal work contour integral method (RWCIM) based on Betti's reciprocal work theorem and finite-element analysis. This study demonstrates that the second non-singular term of mode I can have a significant effect on the size and shape of plastic zones as an additional fracture mechanics parameter along with the conventional parameter K.Keywords RWCIM; T-stress; V-notched crack; V-stress.
N O M E N C L A T U R Ea = half crack length or half V-notched crack length A R , A I = eigenvector coefficients related to mode I and mode II C = closed contour C i = inner contour C o = outer contour F I , F II = dimensionless stress intensity factors F V = dimensionless V-stress K n I , K n II = notch stress intensity factors for the mode I and mode II r, θ = polar coordinate of general point P T = T-stress V = V-stress α = half-wedge angle β = half-notch angle γ = bisector angle of notch μ, ν = shear modulus and Poisson's ratio ϕ, η = eigenvalues related to mode I and mode II σ o = tensile yield stress
I N T R O D U C T I O NIt is well known that a linear elastic body with a sharp notch shape has stress singularities at the tip of the Vnotched crack. The crack propagation may commence from the tip of V-notched crack due to these singular stresses. Therefore, researchers aimed at establishing methods for evaluating the stress intensity factors representing the singular fields near the tip of the V-notched crack as a fracture mechanics parameter have made rapid progress.For a V-notched crack, Williams 1 presented an eigenvalue formulation based on the notch angle by using eigenfunction expansion. The stress intensity factors related to the orders of stress singularity were investigated by Gross and Mendelson 2 using a boundary collocation method and by Lin and Tong 3 who employed special hybrid elements. For a homogeneous material and two dissimilar isotropic materials with a notch shape, the reciprocal work contour integral method (RWCIM) used by Stern et al. 4 was employed by Carpenter 5-7 to calculate the undetermined eigenvector coefficients associated with each eigenvalue. Zhao and Hahn 8 and Chen 9 also obtained the stress intensity factors under mixed mode 346