Smoking is companied with altered intrinsic activity of the brain measured by amplitude of low‐frequency fluctuation. Evidence has revealed that human brain activity is a highly dynamic and rapidly changing system. How exactly cigarette smoking affect temporal dynamic intrinsic brain activity is not fully understood nor is it clear how smoking severity influences spontaneous brain activity. Dynamic amplitude of low‐frequency fluctuation (dALFF) was used to examine the dynamic temporal variability in 93 participants (63 smokers, 30 nonsmokers). We further divided smokers into light and heavy smokers. The temporal variability in intrinsic brain activity among these groups was compared. Correlation analyses were performed between dALFF in areas showing group differences and smoking behaviour (e.g., the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence [FTND] scores and pack‐years). Smokers showed significantly increased dALFF in the left inferior/middle frontal gyrus, right orbitofrontal gyrus, right insula, left superior/medial frontal gyrus and right middle frontal gyrus than nonsmokers. Light smokers showed increased dALFF variability in the left prefrontal cortex. Heavy smokers showed increased dynamics in specific brain regions, including the right postcentral gyrus, right insula and left precentral gyrus. Furthermore, the temporal variability in dALFF in the left superior/medial frontal gyrus, left superior/middle frontal gyrus, right middle frontal gyrus and right insula was positively correlated with pack‐years or FTND. Combined, these results suggest that smokers increase stable and persistent spontaneous brain activity in prefrontal cortex, involved impaired gold‐directed action and value‐based decision‐making. In addition, individuals with heavier smoking severity show increased perturbance on spontaneous brain activity of perception and sensorimotor, related to increased reliance.