DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2016.1196238
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Effects of place attachment on home return travel: a spatial perspective

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Cited by 28 publications
(22 citation statements)
References 49 publications
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“…Scannell and Gifford's (2010) framework was adopted as a theoretical foundation for exploring the meanings of ancestral home and mechanisms of place attachment. More recent studies attempted to bring forward the "place" dimension by considering sense of place at different geographical scales (Li & McKercher, 2016b;Qian, Zhu, & Liu, 2011), and intangible features of places that related to one's ethnicity, religion, and personal past (Casakin & Billig, 2009). Moreover, elucidating processes through which people foster and sustain their relations with meaningful places seem to be neglected by place researchers (Lewicka, 2011a).…”
Section: Place and Place Attachmentmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Scannell and Gifford's (2010) framework was adopted as a theoretical foundation for exploring the meanings of ancestral home and mechanisms of place attachment. More recent studies attempted to bring forward the "place" dimension by considering sense of place at different geographical scales (Li & McKercher, 2016b;Qian, Zhu, & Liu, 2011), and intangible features of places that related to one's ethnicity, religion, and personal past (Casakin & Billig, 2009). Moreover, elucidating processes through which people foster and sustain their relations with meaningful places seem to be neglected by place researchers (Lewicka, 2011a).…”
Section: Place and Place Attachmentmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The present study relates to the stream of literature linking seasonal and permanent migration and follows the path trodden by several other authors whose works contextualise individuals' consideration of a future permanent move in a tourist context (see Li and McKercher, 2016). Our work aims at increasing the body of research investigating the role of feelings and emotions in creating a link between the owner, the dwelling and the destination.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…In this context, strong place attachment induces a more spatiallyfocused pattern of relocations among returning and/or retired migrants. The returning travellers tend to flow to the immediate environs of a community, where they still have strong affective and cognitive attachments (Li and McKercher, 2016). Interestingly, however, strong attachment to the place and the local social network can be enhanced by more tangible factors, such as the household income (Han and Kim, 2017).…”
Section: Place Attachmentmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the four scenarios, the paper has highlighted the significant role of identity in the social capital building of Chinese diaspora tourists. The role of identity in the (re) production of social networks has rarely been discussed in previous studies, except for a few that touch on the links between social identity, values and personal interests when tourists receive the hospitality of friends and kin who live elsewhere, as part of social obligations (Larsen et al, 2007;Mura & Tavakoli, 2014;Li & McKercher, 2016b). It is found that the group of tourists who identified strongly with their ancestral region or migrant association(s) (Scenario 1) return more frequently to their ancestral hometown, and prefer to centre their social capital building in their hometown and/or within migrant associations.…”
Section: The Significant Roles Of Place and Collective Identitymentioning
confidence: 99%