Objective: This study aims to determine the antiemetic potential of stingless bee propolis in reducing the prevalence of nausea due to consumption of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs (ATD) in Tuberculosis patients and to identify phytochemical compounds that act as an antiemetic in propolis.
Methods: The stingless bee propolis used was Wallacetrigona incisa from South Sulawesi. The clinical testing used the randomized controlled trial, randomization using permuted block randomization consisting of one positive control group and two treatment groups. The active components analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) pyrolyzer.
Results: This study found that the measurement at week 0 obtained the mean value of nausea per week for each group P0 (Placebo), P1 (Propolis 6%), and P2 (Propolis 30%) were respectively 2.14; 1.5 and 5.2 events/week, at week 8 the prevalence of nausea by 2.0; 1.0; and 1.6 events/week, and week 24 the prevalence of nausea by 3.0; 0; and 0 events/week. There are 11 compounds with concentrations above 1% that act as antiemetic compounds either through direct and indirect mechanism with a total concentration reaches 75,47%.
Conclusion: Based on all determinant parameters, propolis of Wallacetrigona incisa species from South Sulawesi has antiemetic activity and can reduce the prevalence of emetic induced by ATD consumption in pulmonary TB patients.