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TakedownIf you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. Abstract 3-D full loop CFD simulation of solids circulation rate is conducted in a complicated circulating-fluidized bed, which consists of a riser, a bubbling bed, a cyclone and a loop-seal. The effects of operating gas velocity, particle diameter and total solids inventory on the solids circulation rate are investigated based on the system pressure balance of an interconnected fluidized bed. CFD results indicate that the gas velocity in the riser plays a dominant role in controlling the solids circulation rate, whilst the gas velocity in the pot-seal influences in a narrow operating range. The solids circulation rate is strongly influenced by particle diameter and total solids inventory, but becomes insensitive to the operating conditions in the bubbling bed as the gas velocity is higher than the minimum fluidization velocity.