We evaluated the adequacy of rotational grazing to improve rangeland condition in the Flooding Pampa region, eastern Argentina, comparing the floristic composition dynamic of the 2 main plant communities under rotational and continuous grazing over a study period of 4 years (1993)(1994)(1995)(1996). The experiment was conducted in commercial farms located in 4 sites of the Flooding Pampa region. In each site, a couple of farms, one managed under rotational grazing (implemented in 1989) and an adjacent one managed under continuous grazing at a similar stocking rate (1 AU ha À1 ), constituted the replications of the experiment. Basal cover of species, litter, and bare soil were monitored in midslope and lowland grassland communities on each farm. Total plant basal cover in midslope and in lowland communities remained unchanged over the whole experimental period under both grazing methods. Under rotational grazing, litter cover was higher in both communities while the amount of bare soil showed a significant reduction in lowlands and a tendency to be lower in midslope. Basal cover of legumes, C 3 annual and C 3 perennial grasses was higher, while cover of C 4 prostrate grasses was lower under rotational grazing in the midslope community. In the lowland community, rotational grazing effects were evident only in the drier years, when higher cover of hydrophytic grasses and legumes and lower cover of forbs occurred. Plant species diversity did not change in response to grazing. In conclusion, rotational grazing promoted functional groups composed of high forage value species and reduced bare soil through the accumulation of litter. These changes indicate an improvement in rangeland condition and in carrying capacity. As the stocking rate was approximately 60% higher than the average stocking rate of the Flooding Pampa region, we believe that productivity and sustainability may be compatible by replacing continuous with rotational grazing.
ResumenPara evaluar si el pastoreo rotativo permite mejorar la condició n de los pastizales de la Pampa Inundable, ubicada al este de Argentina, se comparó durante 4 añ os (1993 a 1996) la composició n florística de las dos principales comunidades vegetales sometidas a pastoreo rotativo o continuo. El experimento se llevó a cabo en establecimientos agropecuarios ubicados en 4 localidades, donde se seleccionaron dos establecimientos, uno manejado con pastoreo rotativo (desde 1989) y otro adyacente manejado con pastoreo continuo, ambos con similares cargas (1 UA ha
À1). Se relevó la cobertura basal de las especies, de broza y de suelo desnudo en las comunidades de media loma y de bajo dulce en cada establecimiento. La cobertura basal total de ambas comunidades no se modificó durante el período de estudio bajo ambos sistemas de pastoreo. Bajo pastoreo rotativo, el suelo cubierto por broza fue mayor mientras que el suelo desnudo fue menor en los bajos y mostró una tendencia a disminuir en las medias lomas. En la media loma, la cobertura de leguminosas, de gramíneas invernales anu...