. 1985. Effects of seeding treatment and soil moisture content on the emereence of lettuce. Can. J. Plant r99.Lettuce seeds (Lactuca satiyaL.'Boston Dark Green') were sown by fluid drill and as dry seed into soils at25%o,5OVo,75Vo andl007o field capacity (FC). Fluid drilling reduced the time to initial emergence and 5OVo emergence at soil moisture levels between 50Vo and l00Vo FC. At25Vo FC, neither seeding method performed well with fluid drilled seed being entrapped inside the carrier gel after it had dehydrated. After 2 wk, no significant difference in final percent emergence was noted between seeding treatments at any soil moisture level. In a second experiment, fluid drilled lettuce seeds emerged earlier and reached 507o emergence sooner than dry seed, germinated seed sown without gel and dry-seed in gel at 40Vo,50Vo andT5Vo FC.Gel-seeded treatments were not significantly affected by soil moisture whereas the emergence of seeding treatments without gel application was mukedly improved as soil moisture content increased. After 2 wk, the percent emergence of dry seeded lettuce at 4OVo FC was significantly lower than the other seeding treatments. No differences were noted among treatmetts at 50Vo FC whereas at 7 5Vo FC, the emergence of dry seed in gel was significantly reduced.