The present study is dedicated to the development of an original method f or the measurement of the individual amounts QASi of the acid sites ASi (acidity of Le wis and Brønsted) present on three TiO2 based solids of increasing composition compl exity: TiO2-P25, 6% WO3/TiO2-P25 and a sulfated 0.7% V2O5/9% WO3/TiO2 NH3-SCR catalyst. The method is based on quantitative characterizations of the NH3 adsor ption equilibrium (adsorption temperature Ta and pressure Pa) by the association of (a) the AEIR method providing the individual coverage qASi(Ta, Pa) of the adsorbed NH3 species on the ASi sites and (b) the total amount (in µmol/g) of the adsorbed NH3 spec ies: QTNH3(Ta, Pa) by using a mass spectrometer. For a solid having n types of ASi si tes, the QASi values are obtained from the numerical solution of linear equation system s (with at least n equation) obtained considering that QTNH3(Ta, Pa) is equal to the su m of the contribution of each adsorbed NH3 species: QASi qASi(Ta, Pa).This imposes the measurement of at least n QTNH3(Ta, Pa) in a Ta range preventing the contributio n of parallel surface processes (i.e NH3 oxidation). On TiO2-P25, n= 3 (two Lewis and one weak Brønsted acid sites) and the QASi amounts are ob tained from three QTNH3(Ta, Pa) values. The others solids having two Lewis (L1 and L 2) and two Brønsted (B1 and B2) acid sites impose a series of m measurements of QT NH3(Ta, Pa) with m>> n: the QASi are obtained by optimization between theoretical an d experimental QTNH3(Ta, Pa) curves such as 109, 202, 70 and 130 µmol/g for QL2, QL1, QB2 and QB1 respectively of 0.7% V2O5/9% WO3/TiO2. It is shown that these fo ur amounts of sites permit to conclude that the L2 Lewis acid site is the one forming the pivotal NH3ads-L2 species of the reaction by using nitrogen mass balances between the amounts of a dsorbed NH3 species and the N2 production in the presence of NO.