The importance of macrostructure to root growth of ryegrass (L. perenne) seedlings sown on the soil surface was studied in two soils in which the macrostructure had resulted mainly from root growth and macro-faunal activity. Sets of paired soil cores were used, one of each pair undisturbed and the other ground and repacked to the field bulk density.Undisturbed and repacked soils were first compared at equal water potentials in the range -1 . 9 to -3 0 0 kPa. At equal water potential, the undisturbed soil always had the greater strength (penetration resistance), and root growth was always greater in the repacked soil with no macrostructure than it was in the soil with macrostructure intact. At equal high strength (low water potentials) it appeared that root growth was better when soils were structured. When strength was low (high water potentials), root growth was better in the unstructured soil.Soils were then compared during drying cycles over 21 days. The average rate at which roots grew to a depth of 60 mm, and also the final percentage of plants with a root reaching 60 mm depth, was greatest in repacked soils without macrostructure. The species of vegetation growing in the soil before the experiment affected root growth in undisturbed soil; growth was slower where annual grasses and white clover had grown compared with soil which had supported a perennial grass.It appears that relatively few roots locate and grow in the macrostructure. Other roots grow in the matrix, if it is soft enough to be deformed by roots. Roots in the matrix of a structured soil grow more slowly than roots in structureless soil of equal bulk density and water potential. The development of macrostructure in an otherwise structureless soil, of the type studied, is of no advantage to most roots. However, once a macrostructure has developed, the few roots locating suitable macropores are able to grow at low water potential when soil strength is high. The importance of macrostructure to establishing seedlings in the field lies in rapid penetration of at least a few roots to a depth that escapes surface drying during seasonal drought.